With the rising usage of the credit card as a form of payment, more and more small-business owners want to increase their sales and expand their businesses by accepting credit cards and other electronic payment. If your company is in this predicament, it is time to consult an expert like Crescent Processing Most of these companies do sales personally through independent sales representatives working on a commission basis.
Sales agents are the core of any processing company, and they are the ones who do all of the groundwork. As with all other business there is a constant risk that you are dealing with someone unscrupulous. You need to look for the following indications that your chosen company is not bogus.
Some of these companies sell their equipment to their sales agents. If Crescent is a scam, they would not offer their clients sales equipment such as receipt capture devices, electronic signature pads, compact terminals and debit card PIN pads for free. Big companies like Crescent Processing normally do not enforce any charge on their sales agents.
Likewise, the company also provides their independent sales agents with a laptop, which only requires a deposit. The abovementioned deposit is deducted from the agent's salary over the period of a year. If something goes wrong and the agent leaves the company, they will get the full amount back in full.
A processing company that still uses paper applications can easily alter the rates after the merchant signs the contract. Sometimes the agents themselves have been known to alter fees for their own benefit. The difference with Crescent Processing is that they give you electronic security on any deal made.
With these systems in place you cannot get ripped off. Crescent Processing stands out because of the honorable way in which they conduct their business. You will never be scammed by Crescent Processing because all of your communications, from the first call to the last, are logged and kept for posterity.
There are processing companies who leave their agents to fend for themselves. It is often the case that these agents do not get paid regularly, if at all. Some Crescent agents said that the company is a scam because they didn’t immediately receive their check.
However, Crescent Processing pays on time as soon as the agent’s accounts are activated. Unlike other firms, Crescent Processing also makes sure that agents have a list of prospective clients at all times. As an agent you merely need to make these meetings, and they have been finalized so you do not even have to set them up or confirm them.
There is nothing more frustrating than interacting with a firm who cannot give you the things the claim to offer. At Crescent Processing there is a real sense of honesty and fair trade so you get what you pay for. You will be hard-pressed to find a company that can match the service delivery of Crescent Processing.
Crescent Processing is the only place where you will get great service and competitive prices, not to mention free equipment. It is fair to listen to those who disagree. However, Crescent is still one of the leaders in service and technology in the industry and you won’t find any scams in the deal.
If you need credible and trusted info about Crescent Processing, do not think twice in hitting the link.